People inflict pain in order to share the pain that they’re feeling inside – Zachary Levi
For some of us, the show Chuck was our first introduction to Zachary Levi. While it wasn’t his first role, he was the star of this fun-filled, action-packed spy-thriller comedy. As fans, we tend to think we know the character…and the actor. We envision him or her as being similar to the characters they play. Yet, Zachary Levi is so much more than this beloved spy…he is a man that has struggled under the weight of a dysfunctional childhood and all the challenges that can come as a result.
In Radical Love: Learning to Accept Others and Yourself, Levi shares his personal story from growing up with an abusive and mentally ill mother, an absent father, and problematic step-father to overwhelming emotions and anxiety as he made his way in show business. The book starts out by describing one of his early breakdowns after moving to Austin, TX to start a new chapter in life. However, rather than being a new start, it drove him to finally seek professional help in a private setting in Connecticut. The recounting of his treatment sets the stage for readers to glimpse into his childhood and the damage that was caused by his mother and father. Unfortunately, this damage (and dysfunctional relationships) followed Levi into adulthood. As he describes, Hollywood and success are often the wrong environment to provide any sort of healing. Yet with time, hard work, and prayer, he found the help to pursue a healthy life.
This book really accomplishes two tasks. Readers are given an example of someone who has had a measure of success overcoming the aftermath of an abusive childhood. Levi does not paint the picture of someone that simply willed his way of depression anxiety. Instead, the reader learns about his journey and the ongoing work and challenges. The second task this book accomplishes is to provide information and encouragement for readers that may also be in need of help. For many, this book may be more than inspirational…it may be a first step towards a healthy life.
You can’t run away from yourself, so there’s no point in trying – Zachary Levi