Relational Intelligence by Dharius Daniels
Relational Intelligence is the ability to discern if someone should be a part of our lives, and what place they should occupy, and then align …
Relational Intelligence is the ability to discern if someone should be a part of our lives, and what place they should occupy, and then align …
“If you focus on what you lack, you lose what you have. If you focus on what you have, you gain what you lack” ― …
The jumping off point for greatness is a clear and compelling purpose ― Hugh Blane Every year, in January, so many of us create our …
Not knowing perceived limits enables rookies to score more often, and it also allows them to score bigger gains ― Liz Wiseman
I started running in 1998. I use that term loosely as it involved a lot of walking and did not necessarily look like running to people passing by…walking their cats and pushing strollers. But I digress. I ran regularly and participated in at least one race each year. For years…I had the simple goal of running a whole race and keeping the pace around 10 min per mile. That is…until one day something changed. My watch died before a long run on a path I had never used. So, I started the timer on my phone and ran. And when I finished and stopped the timer…something happened. The time was faster than I had ever run. Faster than I believed was possible.
It doesn’t matter what situation you’re in, there’s always something you can do. – Jason Redman We all experience challenges in life…some are relatively minor …
Most people never ask. And that’s what separates sometimes the people that do things from the people that just dream about them. — Liz Wiseman …
Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic. – Stephen R. Covey Imagine having the opportunity to sit down with one …
Each morning I like to start my day outside enjoying the beauty and the exhilaration of a morning workout. For some, this is a solitary …
“It takes wisdom to recognize that 1) other people are more than capable enough to handle much of the Hows, and 2) that your efforts …
“Your thoughts will become what you say… Your thoughts will become your actions.” – I.C. Robledo In recent years, there has been an increased focus …